People newly infected with HIV will experience symptoms such as flu. This occurs for approximately one month after infection. The initial symptoms that appear as fever, sore throat and the appearance of the rash. But, some people with HIV do not feel the signs and symptoms for years.
Only by undergoing an HIV test, we can know for sure whether you are infected or not. The sooner HIV is detected, the treatment success rate will be higher. If you feel at risk of HIV infection, consult a physician or health clinic nearby.
Do not delay treatment once you know has been infected with HIV. If late, the virus could spread quickly in the immune system. It can interfere with your health. You can also avoid spreading the virus to people nearby or to others.
Conducting Tests HIV / AIDS
To test whether you are infected with HIV, the most common test is a blood test. Blood will be examined in the laboratory. This test is used to find antibodies to HIV in the blood. But the blood test can only be credible if it is done at least a month after infection with HIV for antibodies to HIV are not formed immediately after the initial infection. Antibodies to HIV takes about two weeks to six months, before finally appearing in the blood.
The period between HIV infection and the antibodies are sufficient to indicate a positive test result referred to as the "window period". At this time, an infected person can transmit the virus already present, although not seen in a blood test for antibodies to HIV in the blood.
Before a person is given a conclusive diagnosis, tests need to be done several times to make sure. This is because the HIV window period is quite long. So the results of the first tests done is not necessarily to be trusted. Perform the test several times if you feel at risk of HIV.
If tested positive for HIV, several tests must be done to pay attention to the development of infection. Afterwards can know when to start treatment for HIV.
Current HIV test kits for in the home are also freely available for purchase at pharmacies, health clinics, or via the internet online. But to be clear in understanding this virus, it is advisable to consult the doctor.
If interested in HIV testing, earlier will be given counseling or counseling. HIV tests can not be done without the consent of the person concerned.
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