6 Rules Eat After Sports

6 rules eat after sports

Although both recently completed the exercise, of course to a professional athlete's nutritional needs differ from those who only exercise twice a week. But, certainly after exercise, the body needs healthy food to restore the body that is tired after exercising.

there are six rules that need to be followed to prevent you overeat after exercise, in order to exercise you do not in vain.

1. Eat after 30-60 minutes of exercise

If you do strenuous exercise, try to eat foods "restorer" as soon as possible. Exercise puts stress on the muscles, joints, and bones, but it also uses the nutrients your body during exercise.

Thus, the food after exercise is useful to restore what has been lost from your body, and setting back the raw material for the process of recovery and healing.

In fact, the recovery process allows you to see the results in the formation of strength, endurance, and muscle tissue. If recovery is not maximum could cause you to weaken when the next exercise, can even cause injury.

2. Do not just think about protein

Proteins are the building blocks of muscle mass, so it is very important to consume after exercise, but the food is the ideal restorer should also contain good fats (for the recovery of the muscles and joints), as well as enriched variety of healthy nutrients.

The food will replenish the lost nutrients and provide energy as fuel for metabolism after exercise. Eat, after exercise is good for consumption is a smoothie made from pea protein mixed with fruits, green vegetables, butter almond or coconut oil, wheat or quinoa, or an omelet made with an organic egg with an additional 3 egg whites mixed with vegetables, avocado and black beans.

3. Be reasonable

The phrase "you are what you eat" is true. Nutrients from the food you eat is the foundation of the structure, function, and the unity of each of your cells. Your body will continue to improve, heal and reshape itself, and how healthy new cells you directly determined by how good the food you eat.

In short, your body is basically a large construction magic did not stop working 24 hours for 7 days.

So, avoid foods that are difficult to digest and consume healthy foods rich in nutrients, it can help you get the most out of all your hard work, including cells that function better and reduce the risk of premature aging, injury, and illness.

4. Balanced

If you lose weight one of your goals, it is important not to expect too high, how much extra food you need to replace the calories used during exercise. In fact, if you eat within one hour after completion of exercise, you actually do not need snacks longer post-exercise.

5. Hydrated back

If you are sweating a lot or you exercise lasting more than 60 minutes, you need to consume a sports drink compared to plain water during exercise progresses.

These drinks are designed to keep you hydrated, but also contains electrolytes to replace fluid that has been lost from your body (such as sodium makes salty sweat and potassium that help regulate heart rhythm).

If you do not exercise too hard, briefly, in a controlled temperature, or not too sweaty, drinking plain water is sufficient.

The general rule is to drink two cups of fluid two hours before exercise, two cups again 15 minutes before exercise, and half a cup every 15 minutes during exercise.

After exercise, drink two cups (16 ounces) for every weight loss, and note the color of your urine. If you are properly hydrated, should pale.

 6. Watch your alcohol intake

Alcohol in moderation is not a problem, but be sure to eat before starting the recovery process. Also, it is important to know that alcohol has been shown to accelerate the reduction in post-exercise muscle mass and loss of muscle strength as much as 40%.

It can also interfere with the process of filling the storage of glycogen and carbohydrate that you provide in your muscles as an energy "savings". Glycogen deficiency also means a lack of endurance during your next workout.
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