Often Feels Cold Hand fingers? This is why..

Often feels cold hand fingers? This is why..

When you are out on a cold day, chances are you will feel your fingers come to be cold. This is normal.

"Your finger becomes colder than other parts of the body, because the body sends more blood and heat to the body's vital organs such as the heart, brain, and lung," said David A. Friedman, MD, a cardiologist at North Shore-LIJ Health System in Great Neck, New York.

However, if your fingers are always cold even in a warm place though, maybe it is a sign of a more serious health problems. Here are some reasons why your fingers are always cold.

1. Raynaud

"Raynaud's is a condition when the blood vessels shrink at the end of the fingers and sometimes ears and nose in response to cold or stress," explains Orrin Troum, MD, a rheumatologist at Providence Saint John's Health Center in Santa Monica.

Raynaud's causes the fingers turn white and then blue, because little or no blood flow to the fingers. Often, the fingers become cold and numb it.

The good news, Raynaud often harmless. Use gloves during cold weather and avoid excessive emotional pressure to prevent it.

2. Autoimmune Diseases

Sometimes, Raynaud can be triggered by an autoimmune disease such as lupus, a disorder in which the immune system attacks its own tissue, scleroderma or disease that causes hardening and scarring of the skin and connective tissue, rheumatoid arthritis, and other autoimmune disorders.

Raynaud's caused by an autoimmune disease known as secondary Raynaud. If the original triggers can be handled, Raynaud symptoms will disappear by itself.

3. Hypothyroidism

Fingers being cold is not unusual in hypothyroid condition, but it does not mean nothing. "Basically, the thyroid is the thermostat for the body," said Ali Ajam, MD, a rheumatological at Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center.

"When the thyroid is underactive, most of the functions of the body slows down and there arose symptoms such as fatigue, constipation, weight problems and cold, including at the finger," he said. Generally, people with thyroid problems are women and people over the age of 50 years.

4. The issue of blood circulation

Perhaps, this is what most people thought happened when the fingers were cold. It's true, poor blood circulation can cause the fingers to cool.

"Poor circulation occurs when blood flow which is rich in nutrients and oxygen unobstructed circulate throughout the body. The reason could be because of the heart's ability to pump blood is reduced (such as in a state of heart failure), a physical barrier such as clogging cholesterol in large quantities in the arteries or small capillaries , or other causes, "said Friedman.

When the heart can not get enough blood throughout the body, you will feel the cold hands and feet, numbness or tingling.

5. Anemia

Anemia occurs when your body does not have enough red blood cells or the amount of hemoglobin in your blood is low. "As a result, the supply of oxygen to the body decreases and this can cause the hands to be cold," said Nesochi Okeke-Igbokwe, MD, MS, specialist in internal medicine at NYU Langone Medical Center in New York City.

Some possible causes of anemia are you not enough iron intake, blood loss (due to heavy menstrual periods, ulcers, gastrointestinal bleeding), several types of cancer, and digestive disorders (such as celiac or Crohn's disease).

In addition to cold hands, anemia can also cause fatigue, headaches, dizziness, shortness of breath, and pale skin. In most cases, anemia and the symptoms can be treated with iron supplements.

6. Vitamin B12 Deficiency

Vitamin B12, which is found in meat, poultry, eggs, milk, and other dairy products, is very important in the formation of red blood cells. "Lack of this vitamin can cause a decrease in red blood cell production," said Okeke-Igbokwe.

Lack of vitamin B12, is common in people vegans. People aged over 50 years may also have a decreased ability to absorb the vitamin from food. The same thing applies to people with digestive disorders such as Crohn's or celiac disease.

A simple blood test can detect whether a vitamin B12 deficiency is to blame for your fingers are cold. If yes, usually supplements can help and symptoms will be reduced within a few weeks to a month, said Arielle Levitan, MD, an internal medicine physician and author of The Vitamin Solution.

7. Low blood pressure

"Hypotension or low blood pressure, can occur for many reasons, including dehydration, blood loss, certain drugs, and endocrine disorders," said Okeke-Igbokwe.

When your blood pressure is low, blood vessels shifts blood circulation and direct it toward the vital organs. This is what causes your finger feels cold.

If you have symptoms of hypotension such as dizziness, blurred vision, fatigue, nausea, lethargy and can not focus, immediately consult a doctor.

8. Stress and anxiety

You already know stress can give adverse effects on various parts of the body, not least your fingers. When you are experiencing chronic stress or anxiety, your body goes into mode "fight or flight".

Adrenaline increases and one result is that the blood vessels to the body that is "less important" pucker, Friedman said. Overcome your stress and your finger will be heated up again.

9. Drugs

"There are many drugs that can constrict blood vessels, especially in the arteries. When you take these drugs, there arose Raynaud," said Friedman.

Some examples of drugs that can cause constriction of blood vessels is a beta-blocker (prescribed to regulate blood pressure), some cancer drugs, migraine drugs, and decongestants.

Talk to your doctor or pharmacist to find out if one of the drugs you're taking can cause the fingers to be cold.

10. Smoking

"Nicotine in cigarettes can cause blood vessels to constrict and cause plaque buildup in the arteries. As a result, blood flow to various parts of the body to be reduced," said Friedman. The only solution to this is to stop smoking.
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