The cause of HIV and AIDS

In Asia the spread of HIV / AIDS is divided into two main groups, namely through unsafe sex and alternate needles for drug use.

Whether or not symptoms, an infected person can transmit the virus to others. People who are HIV positive, more easily transmit the virus a few weeks after they are infected. Treatment of HIV will decrease the risk of spreading it to others.

The spread of HIV

HIV is not transmitted as easily as it is to others. The virus is not spread through the air like cough and flu viruses. HIV lives in the blood and some bodily fluids. But fluids such as saliva, sweat or urine can not transmit the virus to others. This is because the virus content in the fluid is not enough. Liquids that can transmit HIV into the body of another person is:

- Blood

- Wall anus

- Breast milk

- Sperm

- Vaginal discharge, including menstrual blood

HIV is not spread from kissing, saliva, bites, sneezing, sharing toiletries, towels or eating utensils, using the toilet or the same pool, bitten by animals or insects such as mosquitoes. The main ways that the virus can enter the bloodstream are:

- Through an open wound in the skin.

- Through the thin walls of the mouth and eyes.

- Through the thin walls inside the anus or genitals.

- By injection directly into a vein injections using needles or infected.

- Through sex

The spread of the virus the main thing is by way of vaginal intercourse and anal unprotected. Unprotected oral sex is also at risk for infection, but the risk is quite small. The spread of HIV through oral sex increases if the person performing oral sex are being thrush or sores in the mouth. Or people who have sex with people newly infected with HIV and had a lot of virus in the body.

- High and low risk of HIV transmission vary, depending on the type of sex do.

- Performing oral sex on men who are HIV positive and the man ejaculate in the mouth.

- Transmission of HIV can occur when we do oral sex on a woman who is HIV positive, especially when the woman is menstruating, although the risk is small.

- Receiving oral sex from a person with HIV, the risk is very low, because HIV is not transmitted through saliva.

In addition through sexual intercourse, HIV can be transmitted through:

- Blood transfusion.

- From the mother to the baby, either during pregnancy, childbirth or while breastfeeding.

- Sharing needles, both for piercing or tattooing.

- Share injections, especially for the panasun (IDUs).

HIV Influence On Human Body

The immune system is tasked with protecting us from diseases that attack. One important element of the immune system is a CD4 + T cells (a type of white blood cell). This protects the cells from a variety of bacteria, viruses and other germs.

HIV infects the immune system. The virus enters the CD4 cells of the immune system. This virus utilizes CD4 cells to multiply thousands of times. The virus that replicates this will leave CD4 cells and kill it at the same time. The more CD4 cells die, the immune system will be lower. Until finally, the immune system is not functioning.

When this process occurs, the body will continue to feel healthy and no problems. This condition can last for 10 years or even more. And the patient can spread the virus during this period.

People at Risk of HIV Infected

Remember that all people at risk of HIV infection, without limitation of age. But there are some groups of people are more at risk of HIV. They are:

- People who use injecting drugs.

- People get a tattoo or piercing.

- People who have sex without a condom either same-sex or heterosexual.

- People who live or frequently travel to areas with high HIV rates, such as Africa, Eastern Europe, Asia and the American South.

- People who took a blood transfusion in areas with high HIV rates.

- People who are infected with other sexually transmitted diseases.

- People who have sex with injecting drug users.

<= Symptoms of HIV and AIDS                                               Diagnosis of HIV and AIDS =>
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