Melanoma Skin Cancer Prevention

Exposure to sunlight helps the skin to make vitamin D naturally. But when talking about skin cancer, the best prevention is to avoid the skin from direct exposure to sunlight. It is very important for people who have suffered from melanoma to help prevent the reappearance of skin cancer has been removed. Below are described some steps to avoid skin not exposed to sunlight.

Check the condition Mole

Check the moles on your body if there are signs of melanoma. Consult your doctor if you see changes in the shape of moles or freckles on your body. If early diagnosis can be obtained, this will help to improve the way of successful treatment.

Avoid Sunlight When in peak hottest

At 11:00 to 13:00, the sun will be at the top of the hottest. But at different times, the sun can still be very hot and have a damaging effect. In the hours, try to remain in the shade and cover yourself with the right clothes and wear sunscreen.

Dressed with True

If you work outdoors and must be exposed to the sun for long periods of time, use clothes that protect you from the sun. Clothes are meant here, including long sleeves, a hat to protect the face and scalp, and sunglasses to protect your eyes.

Use Sunscreen

It is advisable to wear a sunscreen with an SPF (sun protection factor) of at least 15. Make sure the sunscreen is suitable for your skin type and can block ultraviolet radiation A (UVA) and ultraviolet B (UVB). The use of sunscreen is recommended 15 minutes before you are exposed to sunlight and is applied again every two hours. If you want to spend time in the water, use sunscreen that is waterproof and reapply regularly.

Before doing activities outdoors during the day, make sure your kids wear the right clothes and wear a hat and sunscreen with a high SPF. Try to pay more attention to the protection of infants and children because their skin is more sensitive than adult skin. If too much exposure to the sun, skin cancer might arise when they grow up.

Try to keep the skin burnt by the sun. If often happens, the skin had been exposed to ultraviolet radiation. The possibility of occurrence of cancer in the future will increase as the skin is exposed to radiation.

<= Melanoma Cancer Causes
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