Melanoma Cancer Causes

Although almost all melanoma cases related to the effects of ultraviolet light on the skin, the exact cause is still unknown.

Cancer can occur in any part of the body. The body is made of millions of different cell types. Cancer occurs when some cells multiply abnormally. When cancer affects solid organ and tissue cells, it can cause growth called a tumor. Not known with certainty why the cells can multiply abnormally.

Cancer can grow and spread quickly, whether in the skin, in the blood, or other parts of the body if left unchecked and untreated. Deployment typically occurs via the lymphatic system. If the cancer reaches the lymphatic system, the cancer can spread throughout the body including bone, blood, and other organs.

The lymphatic system is a series of lymph nodes scattered throughout the body and are related to each other as the circulatory system. Lymph nodes produce more cells are needed by the immune system. Lymph nodes are also known as lymph nodes.

Melanoma and Sunlight

Sunlight contains ultraviolet that can affect the skin. In most cases, melanoma is thought to be caused by sun exposure. But be aware that not all melanomas associated with ultraviolet light exposure, as it can still appear on the skin area that is rarely exposed to sunlight.

There are two main types of ultraviolet rays, the ultraviolet A (UVA) and ultraviolet B (UVB). If prolonged exposure to UVA and UVB, the skin will be damaged and make it more susceptible to skin cancer (including melanoma).

Increased Risk

All of the following factors make your skin more sensitive to the adverse effects of sunlight. Factors that may increase the risk of melanoma are:

1. Having many moles

2. Having a lot of spots

3. Skin pale skin flammable and difficult to turn into black

4. Age

5. Experiencing conditions that lower the immune system, such as HIV

6. Drugs that lower the immune system (immunosuppression), this type of drug is usually consumed after undergoing organ transplantation

7. There was a family member who suffered from melanoma

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