Diagnosis Hemorrhoids

Piles or hemorrhoids can be easily diagnosed by a doctor to check the back of your body to look for swollen blood vessels.

If there are hemorrhoids, the doctor will check the location, size, and propose a treatment plan based on the severity of hemorrhoids or hemorrhoids suffered.

The doctor can evaluate symptoms that occur to determine the possibility of a more serious problem. Some conditions that affect the anus and colon can cause bleeding, itching, and discomfort. Many people who experience these symptoms are thought to suffer hemorrhoids, when in fact it is not.

Some people are reluctant to see a doctor. You do not need to feel embarrassed, all physicians are already familiar in dealing with this common disease. You just have to tell the symptoms and pain that you feel. For example you experience weight loss, changes in bowel pattern, or if the dirt becomes dark and sticky.

Digital Rectal Examination

The outer part of the anus will be examined by a doctor to see if there are hemorrhoids. Possibility doctor will also perform a digital rectal examination (DRE). Digital rectal examination is done to check the condition of the organs and other structures in the pelvis or lower large intestine.

In this investigation procedure, the doctor will wear gloves and use a lubricant. Doctors use the index finger to check if there are abnormalities in the rectum. This examination should not be painful, but you may feel a little uncomfortable. Digital rectal examination usually does not take more than five minutes.

Examination procedure Proctoscopy

Further examination may be required to wear proktoskop. Proctoscopy is an examination through the rectum to wear special metal or plastic binoculars called proktoskop. Proktoskop is small pipes perforated with lights and cameras at its end and inserted into the anus. The rectum is a muscular canal with a length of about 20 cm that connects the colon to the anus. Dung, stomach contents, and the gas expelled from the body through the anus.

With this procedure, the doctor can see the entire anal canal or the last part of the colon is the rectum. It's possible the doctor will take a sample of tissue from the rectum to be examined in the laboratory. Tissue sampling is referred to as a biopsy.

Classification of Hemorrhoids

After digital rectal examination or Proctoscopy, doctors can determine the type of hemorrhoids suffered. Two main types of hemorrhoids are internal hemorrhoids and external hemorrhoids.

Internal hemorrhoids are usually small swelling of the blood vessels in the walls of the anus. But it could also large vessels, to protrude out of the anus. If it gets pushed out of the anus and rectum muscle, this condition can be very painful. Moreover, if the blood flow to the hemorrhoid is stopped.

External hemorrhoids are hemorrhoids that appear near the anus. Hemorrhoids can be very itchy and lumpy under the skin. This raises the lump is hard and painful.

Doctors will be greatly assisted if knowing the size and type of hemorrhoids you have. With the doctor can determine the best treatment of hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids can be classified further depending on the size and severity:

- Level one: a little swelling which appeared in the walls of the anus and is not visible outside the anus.

- The second level: the greater the swelling out of your anus while defecating and go back to his own time was finished defecation.

- The third level: one or more small lumps that hang from the anus and can be encouraged to go back.

- The fourth level: big lumps hanging from the anus and can not be pushed back.

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