Causes of Hemorrhoids

The actual cause of piles or hemorrhoids is still unclear. But in most cases, there is a strong link with the expected increased pressure in the bloodstream. The pressure that causes blood vessels in the buttocks swollen or inflamed.

People at Risk Affected Hemorrhoids

Below are some factors that can increase your risk of developing hemorrhoids or hemorrhoids.

- Disease ongoing constipation due to lack of fiber in the diet.
- Obesity or overweight.
- Diarrhea prolonged.
- Family health history, making you more at risk of suffering from hemorrhoids or hemorrhoids.
- Coughing and vomiting sustainable.
- Frequent heavy lifting.
- Pregnancy is a condition that can increase the pressure on the blood vessels in the pelvis. The blood vessels will dilate and hemorrhoids will appear. Hemorrhoids will usually recover after you give birth.
- Aged over 45 years. At the age growing, the supporting tissue of the body is getting weak. This condition can increase your risk of developing hemorrhoids.

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