Symptoms Hemorrhoids

Symptoms arising from piles or hemorrhoids in general mild. Symptoms may disappear by itself within a few days. Some people do not even realize they are suffering from hemorrhoids because they have no symptoms at all. Symptoms that often arises is:

- Bleeding after a bowel movement. The color of bright red blood.
- Lump hanging outside the anus. These lumps are usually pushed back into after a bowel movement.
- Experiencing itching around the anus.
- The exit of the mucosa or mucus after a bowel movement.
- Pain, reddening and swelling around the anus.

Hemorrhoids are usually painless, except when the blood flow slowed or interrupted. If you experience symptoms severe hemorrhoids, consult your doctor. Bleeding rectal examination should be performed when it occurs. It is intended that the doctor can determine the possibility of a more serious condition.

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