Liver function so important, then Love Him

Liver function so important, then Love Him

Hello buddy healthy, most people may not realize what healthy liver function or liver for overall body health. When the liver has been ill, then they realize the importance of this organ.
Do not wait until the heart pain before realizing its significance because this organ has many functions and vital for the survival of quality.

Heart or liver is the largest gland in the body. In adults, the average liver weight was 1.4 kilograms. Liver receives about 1.4 liters of blood per minute from the portal vein and the hepatic artery. Red-brown organs located in the upper right abdomen, precisely located under the diaphragm and the right of the stomach. Normally, you can not feel this organ because it is protected by the ribs. Under the liver, gallbladder, and there is a portion of the pancreas and intestine. Here are some of the functions of the liver:

- Destroy the red blood cells that are old. This process will make the stool becomes brown. However, when a pale stools or even white, or color of urine becomes darker, it could be a sign of problems in the liver, such as hepatitis caused by viruses.
In addition, the eyes and the skin becomes yellowish or known by the public as jaundice (jaundice) can also indicate problems in this organ. The condition can be caused by a buildup of bilirubin or the results of the rest of the decomposition of hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is the substance in red blood cells that occurs when red blood cells are described.

- Clean the blood of harmful substances, such as toxins, drugs and alcohol.

- Outlining hemoglobin and hormones in the body, one of which is insulin.

- Change the ammonia into urea issued with urine by the kidneys.

- Saving energy for the body in the form of glycogen and convert it into glucose when blood glucose levels are low.

- Saving folic acid, iron, and vitamins; such as vitamin A, B, D, and K.

- Producing cholesterol and triglycerides.

- Producing albumin are useful to maintain fluid in the body's circulatory system.

- Producing proteins that the body needs for protein synthesis, including substances that are needed for blood clotting process.

- Producing bile in charge of helping the digestion of food.

Examination of Liver Function

To monitor the condition of the liver or liver required liver function tests. Use to help detect any potential liver disease or liver, such as hepatitis, fatty liver, cirrhosis of the liver, liver cancer, or liver damage caused by the consumption of alcohol and certain drugs. Additionally, if you experience symptoms of jaundice, liver function tests should also be conducted to help diagnose whether symptoms are caused by heart disease.

Various functions are executed liver makes various chemical compounds produced and circulated in the bloodstream. Therefore, liver function tests can be done by taking blood samples to check for such chemical compounds. Patterns results of blood tests can help determine which compounds are excessive levels, causing problems. Here are some compounds that are usually measured in liver function tests:

- Albumin, the major protein produced by the liver and enter the blood circulation. Low albumin levels can indicate some kind of heart problem or can be caused by malnutrition.

- Bilirubin, which is a compound made from hemoglobin. This compound gives a yellowish or greenish color in the bile. High bilirubin levels in the blood causing jaundice (jaundice). High conjugated bilirubin levels can occur when the flow of bile is inhibited, such as gallstones or pancreatic tumors. In addition, high levels can also be caused by injury to the liver, hepatitis, or consumption of alcoholic beverages in the long term.
Meanwhile, unconjugated bilirubin levels can be high when there is excessive destruction of red blood cells in the liver, for example, the disease hemolytic anemia.

- Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) is an enzyme that is formed in the liver and bone. In patients with bone disease or certain types of liver disease, the levels of phosphate in the blood alkaline compound will be high.

- Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) or Serum Glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (SGOT) is also an enzyme in the liver. If high levels are typically describes a problem in the liver.

- Alanine transaminase (ALT) or Serum Glutamic Pyruvic transaminase (SGPT), an enzyme which is useful to help process the proteins. The levels of these compounds will be high when liver injury or inflammation, such as hepatitis.

- Total protein is a measure of all proteins in the blood.

In addition to liver function test measures the compound above, it may take other tests to help confirm the diagnosis or monitoring problems in the liver. Other tests also take a blood sample, but measured differently, ie blood coagulation tests, immunological tests to detect the presence of viruses or autoantiboodi, as well as gamma-glutamytransferase tests, or other tests are more specific.

To maintain the function of the heart remains in good shape, apply a healthy diet and balanced, as well as prioritizing the consumption of vegetables and fruits. Protein is needed can be obtained from nuts and legumes. You can still eat meat, but limit the amount. Also, avoid trans fats. Limit fat intake up to 20 percent of the total consumption of whole foods. Last and not least, do not forget to exercise regularly.
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