Complications of Chickenpox

Chickenpox including rarely lead to complications, especially in children who are usually healthy. If anything, a common complication in people with children is a bacterial infection that attacks the nodule with an indication of the form of the skin around the pimple reddened and sore.

While the condition of people with adult chickenpox tends to be more severe. People with chickenpox adults have a higher risk to be hospitalized. Lung problems, such as pneumonia, is one of the complications that can occur. Smoking can also increase the risk of complications in the lungs.

Pregnant women exposed to chickenpox are also more at risk of complications. If the contract chickenpox in the first seven months of pregnancy, the unborn baby at risk of being born with a low birth weight or congenital varicella syndrome. This syndrome can cause serious complications in infants, between cataracts, skin lesions, or damage to the brain as well as the hands or feet short.

Transmission of measles to the baby can also occur when the mother is infected one week before or after childbirth. If this occurs, newborns are at risk of more severe chickenpox.

In addition to infants and pregnant women, steroid drug users and people with decreased immune systems (eg, HIV or diabetes) can experience complications from chickenpox. Some of the risks that can arise is pneumonia, septicemia (blood infection) and meningitis.

Risk of Measles Fire (Shingles)

Varicella zoster virus may persist in the nerve cells of the body even after symptoms of chickenpox recover. At a later date, the virus has the possibility to go back and cause a fire smallpox, especially in adults, and people with immune system decreases.

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