Sitting wind (Angina Pectoris)

Sitting wind (Angina Pectoris)

Hello all, wind sit or angina pectoris is a condition when the sufferer experiencing chest pain due to heart muscles receive less blood supply. Disruption of blood supply is due to a narrowing or hardening of the arteries. Attacks could occur wind sits suddenly.

Here are some of the symptoms of the wind sits, among them:

- Pain in the chest, which is likely to spread to the left arm, back, jaw, and neck.
- Hard to breathe.
- The body feels tired.
- Nausea.
- Dizzy.
- Restlessness.
- Removing excessive sweating.

See a doctor if you experience sudden pain in the chest, but have never been diagnosed with any heart problems. Although not all chest pain is caused by disorders of the heart, to the doctor is the safest move.

Causes of wind sitting (angina)

In order to work properly, the heart requires the intake of oxygen-rich blood adequately. Blood for this organ will be channeled through two large vessels known as coronary arteries. Wind sit occurs when the coronary arteries are narrowed.

Based on the things that can trigger constriction of the coronary vessels, the wind sits divided into two types, namely:

- Angina stable. Physical activity is the trigger of this condition, one of them is sport. Because when a person exercise, the heart will need more blood supply. The intake will not be fulfilled if the coronary artery blockage. Sit steady wind attacks can also be triggered by a number of other things, such as smoking, stress, overeating, and cold air.

- Angina unstable. This condition can be triggered by fatty deposits or blood clots that reduce or block blood flow to the heart. Unlike steady wind sits, pain due to unstable wind sits will remain there even if the patient has rest and take medication for angina. If left unchecked, sit unstable wind attacks could develop into a heart attack.

A number of factors can increase the risk of wind sits. Some of these factors include:

- High cholesterol. High levels of cholesterol in a person's body has the potential to accumulate in the blood vessels. If this happens, of course it will be difficult blood flow into the heart.

- Having diabetes. High levels of sugar due to diabetes, can damage artery walls. In addition, diabetes can also increase cholesterol levels in the body.

- Hypertension. If the blood flow is blocked, the heart will be stronger pump and increase the pressure so that blood can flow. If this continues to happen, then the high pressure can damage the walls of arteries or cause hardening of the vessels.

- Stress. When we experience stress, your body produces a number of hormones which can narrow blood vessels. In addition stress can also increase blood pressure.

- Obesity. People who are obese will be susceptible to a number of conditions that can increase the risk of wind sits, such as diabetes, hypertension, and high cholesterol.

- Smoke. This activity can damage artery walls and leads to accumulation of cholesterol so that the blood would have trouble carrying oxygen to be circulated.

- History. If we are ever exposed to diseases related to the heart or have a family that had a history, then we will also be at increased risk of wind sits.

- Lack of exercise. People who exercise are less risky because the wind sitting would be susceptible to obesity, hypertension, high cholesterol, and diabetes.

- Age. Elderly people are more at risk than the wind sitting young people. Especially for men, this increased risk begins at age 45 years, whereas in women beginning at age 55 years.

Diagnosis wind sitting (angina)

In diagnosing the wind sits, generally the doctor will begin by asking about symptoms experienced by patients. In addition, the doctor will also ask whether patients had heart disease or a family like doing habits that can trigger the condition, for example, like eating fatty foods, smoking, drinking or eating hard.

To further strengthen the diagnosis, a few simple checks can also be done by a doctor, including measurements of weight, blood pressure measurements and blood tests to determine levels of sugar, cholesterol, and kidney function. In addition through blood tests, kidney function also can be detected through urine testing. Conditions related to the kidneys is important to detect because there is some wind drugs seat should not be used by patients with kidney disease.

In addition, the following further tests to confirm the diagnosis of wind sitting:

- Echocardiogram. This test aims to identify issues related to the wind sits, for example, the damage to the heart muscle due to disruption of blood flow or the part of the heart that is not enough to get the blood supply. The identification is obtained from an image generated by sound waves.

- Electrocardiogram (ECG). Through this test the electrical activity and cardiac rhythm was recorded with the help of electrodes connected to a special machine. From the pattern of the recorded heart rate, doctors can see whether the blood stream of patients experiencing penurunun or interference. In addition to the wind sits, electrocardiogram can also detect whether the patient had a heart attack.

- Cardiac endurance test. This test aims to measure the durability of the heart when we do physical activity before symptoms appear wind sits. Physical activity can be done with a treadmill exercise in the room. Cardiac endurance test will be combined with an electrocardiogram to help doctors read the heart rhythm.

- CT scan. This examination aims to determine the existence and how severe narrowing of the coronary arteries. CT heart scans done with the help of a special machine that is equipped with a tube-shaped X-ray. From this examination will be obtained an image of the patient's heart condition in detail.

- MRI scan. Same as CT scans of the heart, this test aims to determine the condition of the patient's heart. But the difference is cardiac MRI scan is done with the help of radio waves and magnetic fields.

- Heart scintigraphy. This test can be done if the results of an electrocardiogram readings still doubtful. In the heart scintigraphy test, a special dye liquid to be injected into the blood vessels. Dyes will flow to the heart and monitored using a gamma camera to determine if the flow is impaired.

- Cardiac angiography. This test is done using a special tool in the form of a thin hose is inserted into a blood vessel. The goal is to determine whether the blood vessel becomes blocked and how severe the blockage. Cardiac angiography performed if the wind sits diagnosis can not be done in any way or if symptoms persist despite treatment. These tests pose a risk of complications such as heart attack or stroke. Therefore, this procedure is only done if absolutely necessary.

Wind sits treatment (angina)

Treatment aims to reduce the wind sits severity symptoms and reduce the risk of patients having a heart attack or death.

Wind sit with mild or moderate symptoms actually can still be handled without medication, by leading a healthy lifestyle and leave the bad habits that can lead to the emergence of wind sits. Some of these include:

- Eating a balanced nutritious diet or that contain lots of fiber, such as fruits, vegetables, and grains. Avoid eating foods that contain lots of salt.

- Do not eat or exceed the portion of calories needed by the body.

- Balance between physical activity with rest. It is better to ask for advice your doctor first about healthy exercise for your condition.

- Avoid stress or handle stress if you experience it.

- Do a weight loss program if you are obese.

- Avoid cigarette smoke.

- Limit alcohol consumption.

- Always control blood sugar if you have diabetes.

If the wind does not sit quite overcome by the application of a healthy lifestyle, then the doctor may prescribe some medications below.

- Drugs prevention of blood clots. This medication serves to separate pieces of blood and prevent clotting. Some examples of this class of drugs is the clopidogrel and ticagrelor.

- Aspirin. This medication serves to lower the blood's ability to clot so that blood will easily flow through narrow vessels once. In addition to addressing angina, aspirin can reduce the risk of heart attack. Some side effects of aspirin use among nausea, indigestion, and stomach irritation.

- Statin. These drugs can lower cholesterol levels so that blood vessel damage can be prevented. Moreover, statins can also lower the risk of stroke and heart attack. Statins work by blocking an enzyme-producing the cholesterol contained in the liver. Potential side effects of statins are abdominal pain, diarrhea, and constipation.

- Drugs nitrate. Besides effective in addressing the symptoms of the wind sits, nitrate can also be used as a method of long-term prevention or used before doing activities that could potentially cause the wind sits, like exercising. This medication relaxes blood vessels function rigid so that blood can flow smoothly toward the heart. One of nitrate drug that is widely used is glyceryl trinitrate. These drugs can relieve the symptoms of wind seated quickly. Do not consume liquor during treatment with glyceryl trinitrate as it may aggravate side effects appear.

- Drug calcium channel blockers. This medicine may be the blood flow in the heart and relieve or prevent the symptoms of wind sits. Drugs are also known as calcium antagonists is able to relax the muscle cells contained in the blood vessel walls.

- Nicorandil. This drug is usually used by people who can not consume calcium channel blocker drug. Even so, nicorandil has the same functionality and performance as inhibitors of calcium, namely improving blood flow to the heart by widening the coronary arteries.

- Drug beta blockers. In relieve or prevent the symptoms of the wind sits, these drugs function of adrenal hormones that counteract the effects of decreased blood pressure and decreased heart rhythm. Thus, the burden of heart will decline.

- Ivabradine. This drug has the same performance with a beta blocker drugs, but as an alternative if the patient can not sit wind take the drug.

- Ranolazine. These drugs can prevent wind sitting by smoothing the blood flow and relaxes the muscles of the heart. Ranolazine safely used by patients who have an irregular heart rhythm or have a history of heart attack because it does not affect heart rate.

- Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors. Common medications called ACE inhibitor serves to inhibit the activity of a hormone that narrows blood vessels. The hormone called angiotensin. This medication can also lower blood pressure. ACE inhibitors should not be used in patients who have the wind sitting kidney disorders because it can decrease the blood supply to the organ.

If the symptom is severe and sit wind can no longer be solved with drugs, surgery will be considered by a physician in order to prevent the occurrence of heart attacks. Some types of these operations include:

- Bypass surgery. This procedure aims to reroute blood flow to not pass through the blood vessels are blocked or damaged by using blood vessels from other parts of the body.

- Operation angioplasty. The procedure aims to facilitate blood flow is done by inserting a small balloon into the narrowed blood vessels, so that when the balloon is blown, the blood vessels will dilate. After that, a special wire will function this wire to block the blood vessel to keep it open.

Prevention sit wind (angina)

Preventive measures wind sits almost similar to the initial treatment step wind sits without the use of drugs, namely by adopting a healthy lifestyle. In addition to preventing attacks wind sits on people who have never experienced it, the application of a healthy lifestyle can also reduce the severity of symptoms of the wind sits on the sufferer. Here are some steps that can be taken to prevent the wind sits, among them:

- Exercise. You can do light exercise, such as cycling, running or swimming. Besides being able to lose weight, exercise can also make a smooth blood circulation and lower blood pressure, so the heart and coronary vessels stay healthy.

- Eating foods that are healthy for the heart. In order to continue to work well, you need food support. Heart-healthy diet should be rich in fiber. You can get the needs of fiber through fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. In addition to fiber, foods that contain unsaturated fats are also healthy for the heart as saturated fats can help lower blood vessel blockage. Some examples of foods that contain unsaturated fats are tuna, salmon, tofu, olive oil, almonds, and avocados.

- Avoid foods that are harmful to the heart. To avoid the wind sits, avoid foods that contain too much salt. Salt dose recommended for health is about one teaspoon per day. Eating too much salt can lead to hypertension. In addition to salt, beware of foods containing saturated fats, such as offal, milk, cheese, fried foods and butter. Saturated fats can settle in the arteries and impede blood circulation.

- Keeping the weight. Healthy weight is important to be maintained. Because if we are obese, the heart will be harder to circulate the blood so it must pump harder. Over time it can increase blood pressure and trigger the wind sits.

- Limit alcohol consumption. The calorie content is very high in alcohol. Therefore, consuming alcohol in excess can lead to obesity and hypertension, which in turn can trigger the wind sits.

- Quit smoking. Substances contained in cigarettes can block the arteries and increase blood pressure. If the condition that happens, you not only risk wind sits, but also the risk of stroke and heart attack.
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