15 Cancer Symptoms You Should Caution

15 Cancer Symptoms You Should Caution

Hello buddy healthy, cancer is a disease that is the most frightening. Life-threatening cancer can be started from the usual symptoms of a general nature. Detect it early can increase the effectiveness of potential treatment of cancer.

The best way to handle cancer is to detect the earliest symptoms that have or may develop in the body. Although most of these symptoms can be very common, but checked out early can make a big difference. Take the time to check out any existing symptoms.

Changes to Skin

Skin cancer can be characterized by a change in size, color, and shape of moles or other skin surfaces. These changes may include:

- Excessive hair growth.
- Hyperpigmentation or skin color becomes darker.
- Skin and eyes to turn yellow.
- Eriterma or reddish skin.
- Itchy rash.
- Skin bruising for no apparent reason.

Bumps on the skin that does not go away also should be wary. Changes in the lymph nodes are often characterized by the bump is actually a common thing during an infection. But this change unfortunately it can also be an indication of lymphoma or leukemia.

Changes to the Breast

Changes below do not only occur in women but can also occur in male breast. Approximately one percent of breast cancer can also occur in men with similar symptoms, beginning with a lump in the breast. In addition, other symptoms that may arise are:

- Putting the dented.
- Wrinkled or redness of breast skin.
- The presence of fluid out of the nipple.

For a further check-up, you can request a physical examination by a doctor and a mammogram at a nearby hospital.


Flatulence which was constantly accompanied by bleeding from the vagina or significant weight loss can be a sign of ovarian cancer. Blood tests, a pelvic exam or ultrasound is required to detect this possibility.

Pain when swallowing

Pain when swallowing food is normal, especially if you're coughing, but throat cancer or stomach cancer also have similar symptoms, especially if accompanied by vomiting or weight loss. Which turned into a hoarse voice in the long term should also be wary.

Down by Drastic Weight Loss

Weight loss of up to 4.5 kilograms or more in a short time with no obvious cause can be one sign that warrant concern. Pancreatic cancer, stomach cancer, and lung cancer present with early symptoms such drastic weight loss without any effort.


Heartburn does not go away can be a symptom of ovarian cancer, throat cancer, and stomach cancer.

Changes in the Mouth

Oral cancers occur in smokers who are often characterized by a bright red spots inside the mouth and tongue. Can also patches of white. This condition is called leukoplakia, the precancerous period caused by irritation repeatedly. Generally caused by smoking, especially smoking tobacco using a pipe.

Prolonged fever

Fever can occur due to cancer or cancer treatment impacts the immune system. Leukemia or other blood cancers may be preceded by symptoms of fever that does not go away.

Fatigue that never stops

Always feeling tired despite sufficient rest can be a symptom of cancer, especially if accompanied by other symptoms, such as blood in the stool. This fatigue can be a sign that the cancer is growing.

Coughing and coughing blood

Cough that does not go away by itself to four weeks and accompanied by blood can be a symptom of lung cancer.

Defecation disorders

Various changes that occur around the waste water can be a sign of a more serious disease. Bedwetting or desire to urinate that can not be controlled and urine that is difficult to come out can be symptoms of prostate cancer. The presence of blood in the stool can be a symptom of hemorrhoids or even colon cancer. While urinating blood may be symptoms of kidney or bladder cancer. Prolonged diarrhea and constipation are also obliged to consult a physician.

Depression and Abdominal Pain

Be wary if there is a history of pancreatic cancer in the family. Depression is accompanied by prolonged abdominal pain may be a symptom of this disease.

Pain in Specific Body Parts

Perceived pain can be a sign that the cancer has spread to other parts of the body. Headaches that occur on an ongoing basis can be one of the early symptoms of a brain tumor. Meanwhile, back pain can be a symptom of ovarian cancer, colon cancer or rectal cancer. Joint or muscle pain that does not go away also need to beware.

Bleeding between menstrual Time

Bleeding outside the menstrual period can sometimes be a sign of endometrial cancer or cancer of the lining of the uterus. Consult a doctor to ensure these conditions.

Changes in the testicles

Testicular cancer that holds the potential happen overnight can be preceded by a lump in the testes of men.

Things to remember, to conditions above do not necessarily make definite diagnosis of cancer. However, if the above symptoms persisted or even worsened, meaning it's time you went to the doctor to anticipate the possibility of a more serious illness.
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