Female character said through lips they shape |
Here are some of the shape of the lips to a woman and her character description:
1. Lips with heart shape
Women who have a heart-shaped lips, generally someone who is innovative, full of new and creative ideas.
They have their own charisma of not a shy person, did not hesitate with conviction and principle. For love affairs, they are people who quite romantic.
2. Full lips are sexy
The lady owner full lips bold character. They are very concerned with the needs of others. Sociable and motherhood are two other characters are common in women with full lips.
3. Lip width
The owner lip width generally have a lot of talent. They are hardworking and interested in a variety of activities. To milieu, women with wide lips have many friends and adaptable.
4. Thin Lips
Women thin lips tend to be quiet, stable, and conscientious. These are people who focus on the goal. In addition, they are also independent and be sensitive.
5. The lips are round
Adventurous, full of confidence, and the risk taker is the character of the owner of the lips are round.
6. Fully lower central section
The owner lips with this shape are people who are happy with the attention. Has a cheerful nature and very easy to tune people.
7. Lip symmetry
People who have symmetrical lips are included rare. However, they are usually strong, and tend to be selective in the association.
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