Symptoms of kidney stones usually will not be felt if the sufferer is still in the stones in the kidney. Symptoms also will not be felt if the kidney stones are so small that excluded them from the body through the ureter with ease.
Symptoms of kidney stones as a result of pronounced when larger stones out of the kidney to the ureter. The ureter is a tube that connects the kidney to the bladder. The ureter is a tube-shaped organ with sensitive tissues. When kidney stones are large enough pass through the ureter, the stone will rub against the wall of the ureter, causing irritation and even injuries. This is why sometimes the urine may contain blood. If the stone is large enough, a stone may become lodged in the ureter thus hampering the flow of urine to the kidneys.
Symptoms of kidney stones is the most common abdominal pain and lower back, waist and crotch. The pain can be felt as a constant or may come and go.
Other symptoms of a kidney stone that appears is the increased frequency of urination and pain during urination. Urine color also looks cloudy and smells different than usual. Turbid color like brown or reddish in the urine can be due to bleeding when kidney stones pass through the urinary tract.
In addition, patients are also difficult to rest in peace, experience nausea, and vomiting.
If a stone lodged in the ureter so that the urine accumulate in the kidneys and cause a kidney infection, the patient's body temperature will rise. Kidney infection also makes people feel chills, have diarrhea, and feeling very weak.
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