Hemorrhoid Surgery

Operations will be advised if treatment and other treatment for hemorrhoids or hemorrhoids have been tried and did not succeed. Surgery can also be done if the hemorrhoids are not suitable for treatment without surgery. There are many surgical procedures for hemorrhoids.

1. Hemorrhoidectomy

Hemorrhoidectomy is a surgical removal of hemorrhoids. Usually done with general anesthesia. You'll fall asleep and do not feel pain when lifting. Conventional hemorrhoidectomy involves a small opening of the anus. This serves to cut the hemorrhoids. You need to leave approximately seven days to recover.

Surgery will be performed on tissues around the hemorrhoids. Swollen blood vessels in the hemorrhoid will be tied to prevent bleeding. After that, hemorrhoids removed. Areas of operation may be sutured closed or left open. Medical gauze used to cover the wound.

You will feel pain and pain after surgery or even weeks later. But this can be overcome with painkillers. Consult a doctor if pain persists. The possibility of hemorrhoids after hemorrhoidectomy is 5%. This figure is lower than the treatment of hemorrhoids without surgery.

To reduce the risk of re-emergence of hemorrhoids, increase the intake of fiber in the diet is very important.

2. Transanal Haemorrhoidal Dearterialisation or THD

Transanal Haemorrhoidal Dearterialisation is surgery to reduce blood flow to your hemorrhoids. Usually done with general anesthesia. This procedure involves inserting checker tool that is small Doppler ultrasound into the anus. This tool generates sound waves are high, the wave is what helps the surgeon locate swollen blood vessels in and around your anus. These blood vessels supplying blood to your hemorrhoids.

Each blood vessel is sewn so that blood flow to the hemorrhoids decided. This process makes the hemorrhoids shrink or shrink a few days later. This suturing procedure can also be done to reduce hemorrhoids hanging outside the anus.

THD is an alternative to surgery which proved effective in addition to hemorrhoidectomy. THD causes less pain than hemorrhoidectomy so the satisfaction of the patients who undergo this procedure even higher. Most people who undergo THD can return to daily activities sooner than those undergoing other surgical procedures in the treatment of hemorrhoids.

There is a small risk of bleeding and pain during bowel movements after this procedure, but these symptoms will improve within a few weeks.

3. Stapled Hemorrhoidopexy

Also known as stapling. These are options other than conventional hemorrhoidectomy. This procedure is done to treat hemorrhoids hanging outside the anus. This step is done with general anesthesia, but this procedure is rarely performed because of a risk of serious complications.

At the time of the operation, part of anorektum or the last part of the large intestine will be clamped or stapled. By doing so, the possibility of hemorrhoidal to hang outside the anus become smaller. In addition, the blood supply to the hemorrhoid is also reduced. This resulted in shrinking hemorrhoids.

This clamping procedure recovery time is faster than hemorrhoidectomy. You can also return to work more quickly, which is about seven days after the execution of the operation. This procedure also tend to be less painful. But after clamping, more patients with hemorrhoids hanging outside the anus than after surgery hemorrhoidectomy.

There are a few complications that can occur after these operations. Complications such as the emergence of fistula in a woman's vagina. Fistulas are channels that are formed between the anus and vagina. Another complication is the perforation or hole in the rectum.

Other treatment such as surgery with freezing and operations that use a laser beam are also available. Consult your doctor to know more about how this treatment.

Risk That Can Appear Post-Surgery Hemorrhoids

Complications can arise after hemorrhoid surgery, but the risk of serious conditions is quite small. Here are some of the risks that may occur:

- Loss of control in defecating
- Fistula ani. Small channels that emerge between the anus and the skin surface, near the anus.
- Urinary retention. Difficulty in emptying the bladder.
- Stenosis or narrowing of the anal canal. The highest risk of stenosis is the emergence of hemorrhoids that are on the circle walls of the anal canal.
- Bleeding or blood clot issue during defecation. It usually appears approximately seven days after surgery.
- Infection. This risk of the emergence of an abscess or pus pile. You will be given antibiotics to reduce the risk of infection.

The above problems can be overcome with treatment or further surgery. Ask risks that may occur in the surgeon, before you choose to perform the operation.

You should seek medical help immediately if the following symptoms appear after the operation:

- The pain gets worse or swelling around the anus.
- Troubled in urination.
- Excessive bleeding.
- Fever

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