Asthma Treatment

Control asthma in the long term is the primary goal in treatment. Each with asthma should be able to live a full life without being limited by the disease. For most patients, available treatments shown to be effective and allow them free from asthma symptoms.

Good asthma management

Your doctor will adjust your treatment with asthma symptoms. Sometimes you need a higher level of treatment at a certain time period. In a good treatment, patients were also given a routine check to make sure their asthma is under control and the treatment is suitable. The review is performed at least once a year.

As part of good asthma management, it is important for you to ensure that the doctor or pharmacist teach you about how to use an inhaler (inhaled medications for asthma) correctly.

Asthma management plan

Information about your asthma medications should be included in asthma management plan. The management plan also can help you know when the symptoms can worsen and what steps should be taken. Also, you will usually be given information about what to do if asthma.

At least once a year, the asthma management plan should you review the doctor together. Even more regular review needs to be done if your asthma symptoms worse.

You may be advised to purchase the peak flow meter (PFM) or peak expiratory flow measurement device as part of the treatment. This way you can monitor your own asthma.

Asthma medications recommended

1. Overcome asthma with inhalers

Usually asthma medications given through a tool called inhaler (inhaled medications for asthma). This tool can send drugs to the respiratory tract directly by way of inhaled through the mouth. Using inhaled asthma medication in a manner considered effective because the drug directly into the lungs. Nevertheless, each inhaler works in a different way. Usually the doctor will teach you how to use these tools and inspection at least once a year.

2.Spacer as complementary inhaler

Spacer is a container made of metal or plastic, which is equipped with a suction funnel at one end, and a hole at the other end to be paired inhaler. When the inhaler is pressed, the drug will enter into and inhaled through a mouthpiece spacer spacer itself. Spacer can also reduce the risk of Canker Sores in the mouth or throat, due to side effects from asthma medications are inhaled.

When pressed, some aerosol inhaler emits a jet. However aerosol jet's performance could have been better if given through a spacer. Spacer able to increase the amount of drug that reaches the lungs and reduce side effects. Some people even find it easier to wear than the inhaler spacers only. In fact, because it can improve the distribution of the drug into the lungs, the use of spacers is often suggested, even they have successfully used the inhaler once.

Reliever inhaler types

As the name implies, a reliever inhaler used to relieve asthma symptoms quickly when an attack is in progress. This inhaler usually contains medicines called short-acting beta2-agonist or beta2-agonist which has a fast reaction. This medication is able to relax the muscles around the airways are narrowed. By doing so, the respiratory tract can be opened wider and make people with asthma can breathe again more easily. Generally blue reliever inhaler and given to each person with asthma.

Examples of reliever medicines are salbutamol and terbutaline. These drugs have side effects were few and generally safe to use if it is not excessive. However, these drugs are rarely used when asthma has been well controlled. For people with asthma should use this drug by more than three times a week, handling the overall need to be reviewed.

Inhaler kind of deterrent

Besides being able to prevent asthma attacks, preventer inhaler can also reduce the amount of inflammation and "seizures" that occurs in the airways. Usually you have to use a preventer inhaler every day for a while before the full benefit.

You also might need a reliever inhaler to relieve symptoms during an asthma attack occurs. But if you are constantly in need of reliever inhaler, then your treatment should be reviewed in its entirety.

Preventer inhalers usually contain drugs called inhaled corticosteroids. Smoking is something that should be avoided because it can degrade performance preventer inhaler.

Examples of preventive asthma drugs include budesonide, beclometasone, mometasone, and fluticasone. Preventer inhaler is usually orange, red, or brown.

Generally, preventive treatment is recommended if you:

- Having an asthma attack more than twice a week.

- Should use the reliever inhaler more than twice a week.

- Waking at night one or more times a week due to an asthma attack.

Even so, sometimes inhaled corticosteroids may cause oral thrush or fungal infection of the mouth wall. Therefore each finished inhaling this drug, patients are advised to rinse his mouth with water until clean.

Various other drug therapy

1. Reliever inhaler asthma cope with slow reaction

If asthma is not subside by previous treatment, the doctor may increase the dose of preventer inhaler. If these steps are not also able to control asthma symptoms, a doctor will give the patient additional medicines called long-acting asthma relief medication reliever or slow reactions (long-acting bronchodilator / long-acting beta2-agonist or LABA).

Another alternative is the patient will be given a combination inhaler or inhaler combined with inhaled steroids and bronchodilators slow reaction in a single device. The same properties with reliever quick reaction, only performance takes a longer time and the effect can last up to 12 hours. Examples of reliever inhaler slow reaction are salmeterol and formoterol.

Always combine reliever inhaler with a slow reaction preventer inhaler and never use it alone. Research has proven that the use of reliever inhaler slow reaction itself can increase the risk of asthma attacks, and even death. Examples are a combination inhaler Seretide, Symbicort, and Fostair. Usually each purple, red, and dark red.

2. Other preventive medicine

Your doctor will suggest you try medicine additional deterrent, if asthma is still not successfully controlled. Two drugs that may be used are:

- Theophylline, which is a tablet that helps dilate the airways to relax the muscles around it.

- Leukotriene receptor antagonist (montelukast), which is part of the tablet which inhibit chemical reactions that cause inflammation in the respiratory tract.

Steroid tablets may be prescribed by the doctor if your asthma is not under control. The treatment is typically monitored by a respiratory specialist. However, the use of oral steroids in the long term can cause serious side effects. Therefore, this treatment method is only recommended if the patient has been doing other means of treatment, but has not succeeded.

3. The use of oral steroids are occasionally

Most people only need to use oral steroids for one to two weeks. Usually they will return to previous treatment after asthma can be controlled.

4. Omalizumab as new drugs

Omalizumab is a new category of drugs. This drug is also known as Xolair. This drug binds to a protein involved in responsimun and reducing levels in the blood. In other words, these drugs decrease the chances of an immune reaction or inflammation.

In general, omalizumab is recommended for people who very often have an asthma attack and require emergency care or hospitalization at the hospital.

As the drugs usually only prescribed by a specialist, omalizumab is given by way of injected every two to four weeks. The use of omalizumab should be discontinued if these drugs are not successful in controlling asthma in the period of sixteen weeks.

5. Treatment of bronchial thermoplasty procedure

Bronchial thermoplasty is a new asthma treatment procedure that is still under study and not yet available in appears logical. In some cases, this procedure is used to treat severe asthma by reducing constriction of the respiratory tract.

There is some evidence to suggest that this procedure can reduce asthma attacks and improve the quality of life of patients with severe asthma. Nevertheless, gains or losses in the long term is not yet fully known.

The side effects of various treatments

1. Side effects reliever and preventer inhalers

During its use does not exceed a dose, reliever inhaler is a safe treatment that does not have many side effects. Common side effects of this treatment include headache, muscle cramps, and slight trembling of the hands. However, these symptoms usually only occurs in reliever inhaler use in high doses and only lasts for a few minutes.

As for the preventive inhaler, this treatment is very safe in regular doses, even at high doses can cause some side effects, especially in long-term use. The main side effect of preventer inhalers is a fungal infection in the mouth or throat, also known as oral candidiasis. Your voice may also be hoarse. However, these side effects can be prevented if you use a spacer. In addition, it is recommended to rinse with clean water after using a preventer inhaler.

Your doctor will explain the treatment of what suits your asthma along with their side effects, such as explaining about how to minimize these side effects.

2. Side effects of additional drugs

Side effects from the use of reliever inhaler slow reaction may be the same as a reliever inhaler quick reaction, namely headaches, muscle cramps, and slight trembling of the hands. Your doctor will explain to you about the benefits and risks of the treatment. Usually at the beginning of treatment you will be monitored and reviewed on a regular basis. If you use a reliever inhaler slow reaction does not go to relieve your asthma, stop immediately.

In some people, theophylline tablets are known to cause side effects, such as nausea, headache, vomiting, insomnia, stomach upset, and angry. However this can usually be avoided by dose adjustment.

Leukotriene receptor antagonist generally do not cause side effects, although there are some reports that these drugs can cause people with asthma who eat headaches, stomach upset, and felt thirsty.

3. Side effects of steroids

Steroids may cause side effects if taken more than three months or frequently (three or four series of treatment in a year). The side effects include:

- High blood pressure or hypertension

- Weight gain

- Bones become porous

- Muscle weakness

- Thinning of the skin

- Easy bruising

- Cataract and glaucoma

There are several things you can do to minimize the risks in the use of oral steroids, such as by regular exercise, not smoking, and eating healthy foods with high calcium levels. You should also regularly check-up to avoid oeteoporosis, diabetes, and high blood pressure.

Occupational asthma

If you are suspected of having asthma because of work, consult with a doctor to confirm the diagnosis. Inform your diagnosis at the company, as well as health care workers and security companies in the occupational health services.

The company has the responsibility to protect you from the causes of asthma. And if it is possible, the company changed the ingredients containing substances trigger asthma with ingredients that are safer. A number of steps can be taken to minimize the impact of asthma triggers in the workplace. Ask the company to move you to another part as soon as possible. If not, you should consider looking for a new job.

Prevention of asthma attacks

Through the asthma management plan, you will be able to know the early symptoms of asthma, to fill them, and know when to see a doctor.

Asthma attacks are usually handled by the administration of medication reliever single- or multiple doses. If symptoms worsen asthma attacks, you may need treatment in hospital. In the hospital, you will be given oxygen and asthma reliever medication combined with preventive medicine so your asthma can be controlled back.

After an attack, your treatment plan should be reviewed with your doctor. The aim is that you and your doctor can determine the cause of your asthma attacks, and are not repeated in the future.

Complementary therapies to treat asthma

Some complementary therapies are recommended for treating asthma, among others:

- Acupuncture

- Traditional Chinese medicine

- Breathing exercises

- Homeopathy

- Food supplements

- Alexander technique, which is an exercise program that is designed to change the way you move your body

- Ionizer, which is a tool that can clean the air molecules using electric current

Small possibility of handling the above form can provide effective results, except for the breathing exercises. There is strong evidence that breathing exercises, such as yoga, Buteyko method (techniques on shallow breathing) and breathing techniques are taught physiotherapist, can reduce asthma symptoms and the need for reliever medication in some people.

<= Diagnosis of Asthma

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