The Danger of Stomach Distended And How to Overcome

The condition can interfere with the distended abdomen's appearance and cause a lack of confidence. Unfortunately, not easy to shrink the stomach distended.

Distended abdomen is called abdominal obesity or central obesity. Causes distended abdomen due to accumulation of fat in the abdomen. Abdominal fat is composed of two kinds, namely the subcutaneous fat and visceral fat. Subcutaneous fat is the fat under the skin. These fats can be pinched and visible. While visceral fat located around organs in the body so it is not visible. Visceral fat is often associated with obesity in the abdominal conditions. Besides being very dangerous because it can increase the risk of other diseases, visceral fat is very difficult to remove.

The danger of stomach distended and How to overcome

What causes bloated stomach 

As with obesity on the body, bloated stomach arises because food intake exceeds energy needed for physical activity. If you eat too much and lack of exercise, you will experience a buildup of fat in the body, including fat in the abdomen.

Family history of obesity, smoking, and high stress also affects the onset of distended abdomen. Old age and imbalance of hormones in menopausal women also facilitate the emergence of a distended abdomen. In addition, the shape of the body such as the 'apple' tend to store fat around the abdomen compared to the shape of the body such as the 'pear'.

How dangerous protruding belly?

Measure your waist circumference to find out if you have abdominal obesity. You can use a meter that is looped in your stomach. Position meter is parallel to the pelvic bone and the navel end.

A man was diagnosed with abdominal obesity when waist circumference exceeds 90 cm. Whereas in women, above 80 cm.

Dangers Brought by stockpiling Stomach Fat

For those of you who have belly fat because most of the fat, you should be wary. Because there are a number of risks that could damage the health.

Visceral fat is the most dangerous type of fat. Set of visceral fat in the body can release inflammatory compounds and hormones that can interfere with the body's metabolism.

Inflammatory compounds called cytokines. These compounds can cause mild inflammation in the body thereby increasing the risk of heart disease.

Other compounds released by visceral fat is a free fatty acid. This compound will be entered into the heart and then trigger a variety of changes, such as increased production of bad cholesterol and decrease good cholesterol production. That is why a distended abdomen may increase the risk of high cholesterol. In addition, free fatty acids also causes insulin becomes less effective at controlling blood sugar, increases the risk of diabetes.

In addition, the protruding belly fat can also cause high blood pressure, stroke, and heart attack. This is because fat in the abdomen distended can trigger changes in hormones that control blood vessel constriction or called angiotensin.

How to Shrink Stomach Distended

As has been explained previously, the visceral fat is the fat that much role in the emergence of a distended abdomen. Unlike the subcutaneous fat which is close to the skin, the fat is located around the internal organs, making it difficult to remove.

You can tighten your abdominal muscles with crunches or other movement, but by simply doing the exercises will not get rid of the potbelly significantly. However, you can use a combination of diet and exercise strategies aimed to reduce weight and reduce total body fat. Until now, specific interventions can reduce visceral fat has been no proven effective.

Although shrink the bloated stomach is not easy, you still need to try to overcome a distended abdomen. Here are some ways you can do.

1. Reduce consumption of alcoholic beverages. Besides not good for health, alcoholic beverages can also cause your stomach becomes distended.

2. Avoid stress because it can trigger a distended abdomen. If you have a problem, try meditating, do relaxation, and talk to the people closest to you.

3. Enough sleep can also help shrink the fat on the belly. Fat tissue in the body can be reduced if sleep at least 6-7 hours.

4. Pay attention to food intake and calorie intake. To minimize the fat on the stomach, you need to reduce your intake of calories in the body. Reduced calorie consumption at least 500-1000 calories per day of total needs. Reduce carbohydrates and start eating lots of vegetables, fruits, low fat dairy products, whole grain products, and lean proteins.

5. Increase your physical activity. Lack of activity can make you shrink the bloated stomach trouble. Started to get used to doing sports, with a combination of resistance training and cardio. If it is not able to do strenuous sports activities, try walking or yoga routine.

Shrink the bloated stomach was not easy, but it does not mean you stop trying to reduce the fat in your body. Begin to live a healthy life by keeping your food consumption, changing lifestyles, and diligent exercise.
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