Why Stomach Pain Can Happen to the Right?

Why Stomach Pain Can Happen to the Right?

Hello buddy healthy, that abdominal pain is a common complaint. Location stomach ache can be a clue cause. One of the frequent complaints are abdominal pain right.

There are several types of pain that can be felt in the abdomen. Ranging from pain that does not interfere, cramping, until the sharp pain that stung. In addition there is a kind of abdominal pain can slowly feel unbearable, then eased back. This condition also needs to be examined whether the pain radiating to the particular direction along with other symptoms that accompany.

Main reason this condition

Some conditions that generally can be the cause of abdominal pain right side, in contrast with abdominal pain left.

1. Inflammation of the appendix or appendicitis. This condition occurs when a blockage of the appendix caused by infection, causing swelling that needs to be addressed as soon as possible. Appendicitis is characterized by abdominal pain right bottom, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and fever.

2. Gallstones. These stones are formed in the gallbladder. There are cholesterol gallstones and pigment gallstones are brown or black. Gallstones may cause pain in the right upper abdomen and was spread to the upper back, shoulders and chest. In addition, it can be accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

3. Hepatitis. Pain in the upper right abdomen in patients with hepatitis C allegedly associated with increased fluid in the abdomen because the liver decreased performance and as a result of disturbances in the digestion of fats from food. Abdominal pain can be accompanied by other symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, decreased appetite and pale color of feces and urine that is cloudy.

4. Ectopic Pregnancy. Ie pregnancy that occurs outside the uterus, usually in the fallopian tube. Pain is felt in the lower right abdomen, but can also be felt in the left side. The pain depends on where the position of attachment of the fertilized egg cell.

5. Ovarian cysts. Cysts formed in the womb is one of the reasons for infertility, but it can cause ovarian cancer. Who complained of pain varied, ranging from mid-level pain to severe levels in the lower right abdomen. The pain can then spread to the lower abdomen and groin or groin.

Location Pain Also Can Be Causes

In addition to the above five common causes, abdominal pain right side can also be classified by location, ie above or below.

For abdominal pain right side lower part can be caused:

- Injury.

- Disruption of the cervix.

- Endometriosis.

- Kidney stones.

- An inguinal hernia.

- Gastroenteritis caused by a virus.

Meanwhile, abdominal pain upper right side can be caused by:

- Gastritis.

- Hiatus hernia.

- Gastric ulcer.

- Pneumonia or pneumonia.

- Kidney stones, infections, or cancer of the kidneys.

- Inflammation of the bile duct or cholangitis.

- Inflammation or pancreatic cancer.

- Cancer gallbladder.

Efforts to Overcome Health Problems It

Various causes can trigger abdominal pain right. It could be just an ordinary stomach ache or viral or bacterial infections, but not closed due to the possibility of more serious medical conditions.

To help ease the pain in the abdomen, trying to do with eating foods in smaller portions. Do not carelessly taking drugs free, such as aspirin or ibuprofen, which can actually worsen the pain.

If the abdominal pain did not subside and ongoing, immediately consult a physician. Avoid procrastinating examination.

To cope with abdominal pain right, then it should be done based on doctor's diagnosis is done. If needed, the doctor can perform tests such as CT scans and X-ray.

Recognize the Signs of Emergency

Abdominal pain should get immediate medical help or medical personnel if caused by trauma such as an injury or accident, or abdominal pain along with pain or pressing on the chest.

Likewise, if the abdominal pain that occurs so severe that you can not afford to sit, or abdominal pain accompanied by bloody bowel movements, ongoing nausea and vomiting, yellow skin, or swelling in the abdomen.

Immediately consult a doctor if you experience abdominal pain right, especially if there is prolonged to interfere with your activities. In addition, avoid all efforts to resolve this pain by taking drugs free because if it does not match the risk of making conditions more severe pain.

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