Deodorant Trigger Breast Cancer

Deodorant Trigger Breast Cancer

Location of the armpit near the breast leads to the expectation that whatever is used around these parts will affect the cell changes in the organs of the breast. The discovery of certain elements of deodorant on the breast tissue raises concerns that deodorants to trigger breast cancer.

No news has been suggested that deodorants contain certain ingredients that can be absorbed by the skin and enter the body through open scratches that may arise as a result of underarm shaving. It added that the application of risk in this area can cause breast cancer due to its location adjacent to the organ.

The material in question is an aluminum-based compound is contained in some deodorants. These materials form a temporary blockage of the sweat glands, thus stopping the flow of sweat to the skin surface. This material absorption by the skin mentioned can cause effects similar to those caused by the effects of estrogen are capable of supporting the growth of breast cancer cells. Besides aluminum, other elements called parabens are also suspected to cause similar effects above. You can find it on the label with names like methylparaben, propylparaben, butylparaben, or benzylparaben.

Rumors are circulating are chemicals in deodorants blocking the body get rid of toxins, which then reach the lymph nodes and instrumental causes changes in cells into cancer cells. Some studies also claim the chemicals can interact with DNA in some cells or cause changes in breast cells, causing the development potential of breast cancer.

However, subsequent studies found no evidence for the allegation. Until now there is no strong evidence that the deodorant can increase the risk of cancer. Here are the details:

- Research suggests that parabens found in breast tumor tissue samples from the majority of breast cancer sufferers. Nevertheless, does not necessarily prove that parabens are the cause of the tumors.

- In addition, not necessarily also parabens which is derived from the use of deodorant. There are many other cosmetics containing parabens are also at risk of absorption through the skin surface. So it can not be concluded that the only deodorant that cause the parabens in the human body.

- Most deodorants on the market today do not contain parabens.

- Other studies with larger samples found no increased risk of breast cancer in women on deodorant, as well as for those who use the shaving underarm hair.

- Breast cancer is also found in women who do not too often shave her armpits and did not use deodorant products containing the suspected hazardous materials.

- Other factors, such as family history with breast cancer and the consumption of contraceptive pills, is more influential than the use of deodorant.

The use of deodorants also had questioned its safety in patients with renal impairment. This is because the body is no longer able to dispose of aluminum as soon as necessary so that the risk of causing a buildup in the body. Dialysis patients with high aluminum levels are more at risk of developing dementia.

But this does not mean that people with kidney problems should not use deodorant. In fact according to doctors, although can be absorbed by the body, it is not possible levels of aluminum in deodorants enough to cause harm to the kidneys.

Breast cancer disease and dementia is a complex disease that is not caused by one factor may be small, such as deodorants. Factors that can reduce a person's risk of these diseases is like in general, sufficient exercise, eating healthy foods, and wherever possible avoid stress.

In conclusion, there is no strong scientific evidence that can prove the allegations that the deodorant can harm the health of users. But if you are still in doubt, you should look at the ingredients contained in deodorants indicated on the packaging. Although not medically proven, but given the fact that the tissue indeed save parabens, it is wise to avoid similar materials to be used. The trick is to read the label on the packaging carefully.

To prevent body odor, you can also try natural ingredients that have been obviously free of aluminum, such as applying tea or lemon in the armpit. In Indonesia, alum is also often used to eliminate body odor.
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