What is Paleo Diet ?

Hello friends healthy, still trying to shrink the body? Never heard the term Paleo Diet? Still do not know, okay immediately wrote we discussed together. Diet paleo or caveman diet is a diet method that adopts the human diet prehistoric cave. Then, why cavemen used as a model to go on a diet?
Referenced caveman diet because they are considered to have a diet that is useful for health. Therefore, the source of food in the diet is made as closely as possible to that consumed by cavemen.

Paleo Diet

Paleo diet is considered an optimal diet for several health problems as expressed in several clinical trials, which is to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, blood pressure, and inflammation. The results of several clinical trials also suggest optimization of the diet is beneficial to help you lose weight, reduce acne, improve overall health and athletic performance body.

In the type of food in the Paleo Diet

Foods that are recommended for consumption according to this diet is the caveman food obtained by hunting, fishing, or found in nature. In general, these foods such as meat, fish, vegetables, and fruits. Other types of food that can be categorized as food cavemen are tubers and shellfish.

Of course eating the exact same food consumed by humans cave impossible. However, the current outstanding food mostly not from the wild. We used to consume a variety of foods produced by the plant, cultivated, or from agricultural products.

Although it can not replicate one hundred percent of what is consumed cavemen, there is a modified version of today's modern diet. One of which is used as a benchmark is a gluten-free diet. Gluten itself is like a glue or adhesive which is a combination of proteins that can be found in wheat.

Food groups that qualify at the top, among others:

- Vegetables.

- Fruits.

- Nuts and seeds that are free of pesticides and fungicides.

- Low-fat meat, especially fed grass or find their own food.

- Fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids such as salmon, mackerel and tuna.

- Oil derived from seeds and nuts, such as olive oil and walnut oil.

In the paleo diet, some foods below is recommended to be avoided.

- Assorted dairy products.

- Lentils, peas, and peanuts.

- Wheat and potatoes.

- Sugar

- All packaged foods in general.

Those who do paleo diet is recommended not to consume other beverages besides water, coconut water, or an organic green tea. If you want to give a sweet taste to food, can use honey or sugar palm. Although permitted, the consumption of raw honey and palm sugar should be limited. To be sure, dieters should keep doing regular physical activity.

Who is advisable Doing Diet? 

This diet is considered to be suitable for those who suffer from diabetes. Therefore, this dietary carbohydrate intake is relatively lower. Sources of food are allowed in this diet have a low glycemic index. These foods make the pancreas does not have to work hard so that the amount of drug required is not too much.

In addition, this diet is considered suitable for diabetics because it makes a diet rich in lean protein and rich in fiber so it can help control blood sugar levels and prevent weight gain. Besides good for diabetics, paleo diet is also considered good for preventing heart disease and other serious conditions. This diet also predicted either to clean up toxins in the body, sharpen memory, and make connections between organs in the body for the better.

Although the diet is promising because it focuses on natural foods, but due to strict rules which might not everyone can run for a long time. Another difficulty is the diet actually groping what human consumption cave in ancient times, when the circumstances then and now of course much different.

The most alarming of the paleo diet is the likely culprit getting nutritional imbalances and the lack of certain nutrients needed by the body because this diet forbids most foods, such as grains and milk.
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