Diagnosis Vertigo

Before examining the simple to distinguish ordinary vertigo and dizziness, the doctor usually will ask your symptoms first. Doctors also sometimes recommends further investigation if necessary.

To give an accurate diagnosis, the doctor will ask you to describe your symptoms. For example the situation in your first attack, duration, frequency of occurrence, triggers, as well as the degree of influence of symptoms on daily life.

You also need to recount in detail if you are experiencing an attack of vertigo accompanied by other symptoms. Among these are changes in hearing, tinnitus, or vomiting.

Doctors also usually will ask you and your family health history. For example, if your family members are also experiencing vertigo, drugs that you use regularly, and if you ever have an ear infection, or a head injury in the near future.

Diagnosis Vertigo Steps

1. Examination by triggering vertigo

Vertigo is a symptom that can be caused by several diseases. Therefore, the doctor will usually recommend that a medical examination to distinguish the cause. This process includes examination of the inner ear and eye examination to check whether there is any movement uncontrolled eyeball (nystagmus).
The doctor also may check your balance or vertigo fishing with Dix-Hallpike maneuver. Cause of vertigo is most often diagnosed with this process is the Benign Paroxysmal Position Vertigo (BPPV).

2. Hearing screening to specialist ENT

Examination through a tuning fork test and audiometric tests will be carried out by a specialist ear, nose, and throat (ENT) if you are experiencing tinnitus (ringing in the ears) or hearing loss.

3. Examination of nystagmus

Nystagmus may indicate a problem with the organs that control the body's balance and inspection mendetailnya sometimes use elektronistagmografi process (ENG) and the process of recording the eye movements with glasses videonistagmografi (VNG).

4. Testing for organ caloric balance

These tests use warm or cold water to be poured into the ear to check the performance of the balance organ of the inner ear that has been stimulated by changes in the temperature of the water.

5. Posturography to check the balance

Posturography rehabilitation plan will help monitor the treatment process at the same time and using the test machine balance.

6. The process of scanning head

Doctors also sometimes suggest MRI scan or CT scan of the head to examine the causes of vertigo, such as acoustic neuroma (a benign tumor).

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